The Sequel of Frozen, Frozen II is an enchanting movie by Walt Disney Animation Studios, released on 22nd November 2019 in India. The 58th animated film by Walt Disney Animation Studios, this movie features the return of directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, and producer Peter Del Vecho. The film had the highest opening for an animated film of all time.
Frozen II repeated some old happenings from its prequel. Olaf melted again! Also, instead of Anna, this time Elsa froze (or should I say, died). I especially liked the character of Olaf. Walt Disney fans say Mickey Mouse is their all-time favorite. I feel Olaf is.
The plot is set 3 years after that of the first film, Frozen. The main characters are Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven. They leave Arendelle to find the mysterious voice which was disturbing Elsa. What do they do?
Frozen II has received criticism for the plot, though most of the critics have given a positive review. My opinion is that the movie is excellent. The story, the dialogues, are all good. I especially liked the concept of the four elements: Water, Wind, Fire, and the Earth.
~ Maadhav Bhatt