The Coronavirus outbreak has turned the world upside down!
Just a few days back everything seemed normal — students entering the school gate, corridors echoing with their innocent chatter, the playful commotion in the playground, and tiny tots swarming around the swings.
Teachers had set the classrooms up with various activities planned for the new session and were excited to welcome the enthusiastic learners, but alas! Nature had other plans, which consequently resulted in a nation-wide lockdown.
Everybody needs to be quarantined if we hope to defeat the virus!
The situation has impacted the lives of students dramatically. Their routine has been disrupted. No more waking up to the alarm clock as there’s no school, no games, no music, or dance classes. And worse, they can’t even go out to play in their own vicinity. Certainly sounds like the imprisonment of the most benign order!
At times like these, if the students are not engaged or active, there is a high risk of traumatic symptoms such as depression, insomnia, irritation, anger, anxiety and the like. There is no way we would want any of our students to experience any of that.
Keeping our student’s needs in mind we brainstormed online using Zoom Cloud Meetings, an application for online video conferences, and concluded that we must connect with the students to keep them constructively engaged.
Teachers are reaching out to students with personalized messages and videos to motivate and encourage them to use their time judiciously. Various theme-related interactive worksheets and concept based links are being sent on a daily basis via our school’s ERP and broadcast messages. We will soon schedule our online classes using Zoom Cloud Meetings and Extra Marks applications.
The objective is to make the learning process a joyful experience for the students in this difficult time. Our purposeful communication, efforts, and ingenuity have received positive responses from parents.
At no cost, we would want our students to lack behind in academics. In order to keep up pace with the curriculum and syllabus of the 2020-21 session, even if we have to keep Saturdays working and cutting down on the winter holidays we might do so…
Besides our plan, we are hopeful that blending our initiatives with that of the students’ own experiences during this quarantine will help them cherish the value of relationships, make them realize the need of optimal use of resources and to care about the environment at large.
We are confident that they will join back school as smarter, wiser, and responsible children.
We surely will have this pandemic behind us soon.
Waiting to see the kids!