Impact of Social Networking on the Development of the Society

Social Networking Blog

“Social networks represent the digital reflection of what humans do: We connect and share.” In today’s fast paced world nearly, everyone has become familiar with the term ‘Social Networking’ wherein people across the globe can now connect and share. Social networking is quite a common word, but it is commonly mistaken to be same as […]

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देश के वीर जवानो के लिए पत्र

आदरणीय वीरसैनिकों, आशा है आप एवं आपके साथी सैनिक सब सकुशल होंगे। हमें आपको यह पत्र लिखने में बहुत ख़ुशी हो रही है| हम आज आपकी बहादुरी को सलाम करने के लिए यह पत्र लिख रहे हैं। आप कितने महान हैं। अपने घर परिवार को छोड़कर आप हमारे लिए सरहदों पर आ जाते हैं। १५ […]

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Live, Love, Laugh, and Learn

Live, Love, Lauugh and Learn through Online Classes

The Coronavirus outbreak has turned the world upside down!Just a few days back everything seemed normal — students entering the school gate, corridors echoing with their innocent chatter, the playful commotion in the playground, and tiny tots swarming around the swings.Teachers had set the classrooms up with various activities planned for the new session and […]

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